Richmond Readers (5) Elizabeth II The Diamond Queen with Audio CDs-2片

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底下是 Richmond Readers (5) Elizabeth II The Diamond Queen with Audio CDs-2片 的內容簡介
Queen Elizabeth II came to the throne of Great Britain when she was just twenty-six. Now in her eighties, she has been head of state of Britain and the Commonwealth for more than sixty years. During her long reign she has witnessed huge changes and dramatic events, while also living through difficult times in her private life.
In 2012 the Diamond Jubilee celebrated her sixty years on the throne as a shining example of devotion to duty, hard work and perseverance through good times and bad. Elizabeth is truly 'A Diamond Queen'. Packed with audio CD.
作者: Rod Smith
新功能介紹- 出版社:東華
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2016/04/12
- 語言:英文
商品網址: Richmond Readers (5) Elizabeth II The Diamond Queen with Audio CDs-2片

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商品網址: Richmond Readers (5) Elizabeth II The Diamond Queen with Audio CDs-2片

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